AdvertCity Wikia

A blatant lampoon of the Facebook logo, using a similar font, with an outline image reminiscent of the default profile picture, being clicked on, right in the face.

Name friendFACE
Tagline "All the faces of all your friends, stored forever and tracked relentlessly because you love it really."
Cyber URL cyb://friendface.corp/
Logo A blatant lampoon of the Facebook logo, using a similar font, with an outline image reminiscent of the default profile picture, being clicked on, right in the face.


A social media megacorporation, connecting people in the city and profiting from selling their personal data.

Significantly richer than the average megacorp, friendFACE starts with 3x the funds, and pays a 70% higher salary, with a below average hiring rate.

This megacorp provides access to the higher levels of the cyberspace text ads tech tree.


This megacorp feels warmly towards the following corporations:

  • Adsplay: +0.3 rep
    • As an advertiser, you are of special interest to this megacorp.
  • Fullbright: +1.2 rep


This megacorp has a competitive relationship with the following corporations:

Required technologies[]

This megacorp won't become a client for your advertising until you've unlocked the following technologies:

  • Random Text Ads

Known technologies[]

This megacorp knows the following technologies, which the player can unlock by getting a sufficiently high reputation with the megacorp, or by way of a hostile takeover:

